5300 35th Street West
St Louis Park, MN 55416
United States
Campus Settings
Financial Aid
Average amount of federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid awarded to undergraduate students
The following information pertains to first-time full-time undergraduate students.
Show Financial Aid details
Average amount of aid awarded to full-time first-time undergraduates
State/Local grant aid:
Federal grant aid:
Average amount of grant aid awarded by income (all sources)
Financial Aid Contact
Fin Aid CenterPoint Massage and Shiatsu Therapy School & Clinic
Cumulative Debt
This section shows the median debt graduates incurred to complete their degree at this institution.
Median Cumulative Debt by Degree Type
- Associate's Degree: $6,409
- Undergraduate Certificate: $9,402
Percent of Graduates With Loans
- Associate's Degree: 79%
- Undergraduate Certificate: 84%
This profile features institution-wide data. Be aware that some categories may not be showing and that data is suppressed when reporting is for 10 or less students. Most data and terminology is sourced from IPEDS. To learn more about each section, please refer to Data Sources.