Banner Image For Empire Beauty School

8205 University Avenue
Spring Lake Park, MN 55432
United States

Certificates / Diplomas
Empire Beauty School's fun and interactive classes are conducted by trained and licensed beauty educators. Our school has a student salon/clinic where you will work on real clients while you learn to build your own book of business. If you want a career with unlimited potential for creativity, flexibility, and making others feel more beautiful the world of beauty is the perfect place for you.
The following information should help you understand the cost of attending college. Keep in mind that most students receive a financial aid package (grants and scholarships) which lowers their out-of-pocket cost. This is reflected on the net price information, if available.
Living Off-Campus
Living with Family
The amounts above pertain to first-time full-time undergraduate students and include tuition and fees, housing and meals, transportation, and personal expenses. Use these estimated amounts as a reference for building your annual budget for attending this institution.
Average Net Price $15,342 / year

This is the average annual amount that first-time, full-time undergraduate students pay at this institution after subtracting all grants and scholarships from the cost of attendance.

Show Net Price details
Net cost after grants and scholarships by income
$0-$30,000: $14,954
$30,001-$48,000: $15,828

This net price data shows the average amount students have paid, according to their family income, after subtracting all grants and scholarships.

Student/Faculty Ratio
Size of Student Body
Average Class Size
Show Undergraduate Student Body details
Breakdown by Race
Black or African American: 28%
Hispanic: 14%
White: 15%
Unknown: 40%
Breakdown by Age
19 and Younger: 23%
20 to 24: 35%
25 to 34: 32%
35 to 44: 8%
Breakdown by Gender
Women: 98%
New entering students who are transfers
Average amount of federal, state, local, institutional or other sources of grant aid awarded to undergraduate students

The following information pertains to first-time full-time undergraduate students.

Show Financial Aid details
Average amount of aid awarded to full-time first-time undergraduates
State/Local grant aid: $1,000
Institutional grant aid: $113
Federal grant aid: $4,349
Average amount of grant aid awarded by income (all sources)
$0-$30,000: $4,208
$30,001-$48,000: $5,390
$48,001-$75,000: $5,145
$75,001-$110,000: $1,123
School Scholarships
Required Forms: FAFSA
Title IV (FAFSA) School Code:
Financial Aid Contact

This section shows the median debt graduates incurred to complete their degree at this institution.

Median Cumulative Debt by Degree Type
  • Undergraduate Certificate: $3,250
Percent of Graduates With Loans
  • Undergraduate Certificate: 88%

Admissions Contact
The data displayed below comes from the Graduate Employment Outcomes tool and only reports on graduates employed in Minnesota. This section shows employment data for graduate class of 2017, including percent of graduates with full-time employment in the 3rd year after college graduation and the median annual wages by award level, according to the Minnesota unemployment insurance records. Data does not include federal employees, self-employed (e.g. professional freelancers, artists, developers, designers, business owners), military, or individuals who moved out of state for a job. The list below may be incomplete and limited to some majors. Additionally, data has been suppressed when it refers to 10 or less students.Jump to:
Certificates / Diplomas
Field of Study Percent Employed Full-time 3 Years Post-Graduation Median Annual Salary of Graduates
Personal and culinary services 28% $41,301
This profile features institution-wide data. Be aware that some categories may not be showing and that data is suppressed when reporting is for 10 or less students. Most data and terminology is sourced from IPEDS. To learn more about each section, please refer to Data Sources.